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On the implementation plan for the in-depth development of the pioneering and striving for excellence and the pioneering activities in the party branch and party members of Shandong Dadiren Law Firm


According to the "Implementation Plan of the Municipal Bureau of Justice on the in-depth development of the pioneering and contending for excellence among the grassroots party organizations and all party members" (Zi Si Dangzi ﹝2010﹞19) and the "City of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau of Justice" The Guiding Opinions of the Party's Grassroots Organizations and Party Members in the Lawyers Industry to Intensify the Activities of Innovating and Striving to Become Pioneers in Zibo" (Zi Si Dang Zi ﹝2010﹞ 27), combined with the actual work of our firm, formulated this implementation plan.

1. General requirements

The overall requirements for the city’s lawyer industry to create the first and strive to be the pioneer in Zibo are: guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", earnestly implement the spirit of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Party and the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the Seventeenth Central Committee. Deeply implement the scientific concept of development, further strengthen the party building of the lawyer industry, give full play to the role of the grassroots party organization in the lawyer industry as a battle fortress and the pioneer and exemplary role of lawyers party members, and lead the majority of lawyers and party members to take the lead in consciously practicing the socialist legal workers with Chinese characteristics. Responsibilities and missions, strive to be the builder and defender of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, make contributions in the practice of promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, serving the people, and strengthening grassroots organizations, and provide quality for accelerating the construction of a strong, harmonious, economic and cultural city Efficient legal services.

A theme must be highlighted in the activity, which is to "serve scientific development, promote social harmony, and consciously be a socialist legal worker with Chinese characteristics" as the theme; a value orientation must be clarified, which is to win glory for the party, benefit the people, and promote the city Party organizations and lawyer party members in the lawyer industry can better add color to the party flag, serve the grassroots, benefit the masses, and maintain and develop the party’s advanced nature; a carrier must be grasped, that is, "serving the society than dedicating, promoting harmony and striving for the vanguard." "As the carrier, we strive to promote the healthy development of our institute. Through the development of activities, the following goals shall be achieved:

Promoting scientific development means that our party organizations and lawyers and party members must earnestly perform their duties, consciously center on economic construction, and actively expand the legal service fields in all fields of economic construction, market economy, and social undertakings, and give full play to The professional advantage of lawyers' legal services is to actively provide services for various market entities in civil and commercial activities such as trade, investment, and financing, and to serve the construction of social and public undertakings such as education, culture, and health, and promote sound and rapid economic and social development.

Promoting social harmony means to take the maintenance of social harmony and stability as the indispensable social responsibility of lawyers, actively participate in mediation and petition work, give full play to the role of lawyers in the party and government-led rights protection mechanism, and consciously maintain social harmony and stability.

Serving the people means always taking the protection of the people’s rights and interests as the fundamental starting point and goal of lawyers’ work, adhering to the practice philosophy of practicing for the people as a lawyer, taking the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the people as the basic duty of lawyers’ practice, and promoting the solution of people’s livelihood issues as a lawyer. Key areas of legal services.

Strengthening grassroots organizations means to continuously consolidate and expand the results of our institute’s party organization and full coverage of party work, further optimize organizational settings, innovate activities, actively promote the construction of learning-oriented party organizations, and give full play to the role of our party organization as a battle fortress. , To promote the construction of law firms through the construction of our party organization.

To enhance the brand of Zibo lawyers is to drive the brand building of our firm with party building work, further optimize our internal management mechanism and operating mechanism, and gradually build brand professionalism, brand lawyers, and brand law firms to further enhance the influence of our lawyers’ work .

2. Main content

The main content of the Zibo Pioneer Activities is to strive to create the "Five Good Party Branches" and to be the "Excellent Party Lawyers".

The basic requirements of the "Five Good Party Branches" of a law firm are that the construction of a learning-oriented party organization has achieved remarkable results, and the basic tasks stipulated by the party constitution have been completed well, and the "Five Goods" shall be strived to be:

The leadership team is good. The leadership team of the party organization can thoroughly study and practice the scientific development concept, and earnestly implement the party’s line, principles and policies. The team members can take the lead in speaking party spirit, emphasizing character, setting an example, being politically strong, proficient in business, strong in style, and trustworthy by lawyers. It has strong cohesion and combat effectiveness among lawyer party members and lawyers.

The party members are good. Lawyers and party members can consciously abide by the party’s constitution and party discipline, implement the party’s resolutions and decisions, actively complete the tasks assigned by the organization, consciously adhere to the standards for the advanced nature of party members, take the lead in practicing the socialist concept of rule of law, and take the lead in consciously fulfilling the Chinese characteristics The duty and mission of socialist legal workers is to consciously support the leadership of the party, the socialist system, and the constitution, and perform the duties and missions of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, safeguarding the correct implementation of the law, and safeguarding social fairness and justice in accordance with the law.

The working mechanism is good. The party organization has clear functional tasks in the overall work of the law firm; the party organization has established an effective work system in organizational construction, party member education and management, and promotion of the overall development of lawyers; "three meetings and one lesson", democratic evaluation of party members The daily management of party life system and party member organization relations, party dues payment, party member ideological reporting, and party member information statistics are implemented; party member activity room, party flag, party branch brand, party building propaganda window, and party members’ electronic education "The requirements are in place, the funds for party organization activities are guaranteed, and the work runs smoothly and orderly.

Good work performance. The party organization can conscientiously perform the duties stipulated by the party constitution in accordance with the actual work, actively promote and implement the party's line, principles and policies, strictly enforce the education and management of lawyers and party members, effectively strengthen the construction of party members, attach importance to the development of new party members, and build the party organization in the law firm Outstanding achievements in aspects; focus on the organic combination of party affairs and business work, outstanding deeds in expanding business areas, improving service quality, and service center work.

The masses responded well. The party organization has a high prestige in the law firm, and has a greater influence on important matters such as the daily management of the firm, business learning, system construction, and development strategy. It has the support of the management of the law firm, the welcome of party members, and the support of the masses; Party member lawyers take the initiative to serve the masses and society, consciously safeguard the interests of law firms and party organizations, and protect the interests of partners, lawyers and other parties. They have a good image among the masses, have close relations between the party and the masses, and can play an exemplary and leading role.

The basic requirement of "outstanding party member lawyers" is to perform exemplary obligations under the party constitution and strive to achieve the "five leading":

Take the lead in learning and improving. Conscientiously study and practice the scientific development concept, consciously strengthen ideals and beliefs, and take the lead in being politically firm, legally proficient, uphold justice, and abide by the integrity of socialist legal workers with Chinese characteristics.

Take the lead and strive for success. With a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, pioneering and innovative, selfless dedication, actively expanding business areas, improving service quality, enhancing the ability and level of service scientific development, and making significant achievements in practice activities.

takes the lead in serving the masses. Persist in practicing for the people, proactively provide legal services for the people to solve employment, school, medical, housing, income distribution, social security and other livelihood issues, take the lead in participating in legal aid and social welfare activities, and strive to satisfy migrant workers, laid-off and unemployed, and the disabled Consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of the people in need of legal services.

Take the lead in observing discipline and law. Consciously abide by the party's discipline and take the lead in implementing the party's line, principles and policies. Take the lead in observing the Constitution and laws, safeguard the authority of the Constitution and laws, perform the basic duties of lawyers in accordance with the law, and promote judicial justice. Consciously spread the concept of the socialist rule of law and promote the spirit of the socialist rule of law. Take the lead in abide by professional ethics, be diligent and responsible, cherish and maintain the professional reputation of lawyers.

takes the lead in promoting righteousness. Consciously strengthen ideological and ethical cultivation, model abiding by social ethics, firmly establish the concept of honesty, set an example of honest practice, dare to fight against bad habits, violations of laws and disciplines, and consciously maintain and continuously improve the social credibility of the lawyer industry. Take the lead in learning and improving, taking the lead in striving for success, taking the lead in serving the masses, taking the lead in observing discipline and law, and taking the lead in promoting righteousness.

3. Combining reality, highlighting characteristics, innovating carriers, and solidly advancing activities

It is necessary to firmly grasp the theme of striving for creation, further clarify the value orientation, closely integrate the current work focus and work reality of the lawyer industry and our firm, highlight characteristics, pay attention to practical results, carry out the "four grasps and four struggles", and steadily promote the creation of the first to strive for excellence and strive for excellence. Pioneer activities in Zibo ensure the in-depth and solid development of activities.

One is to focus on the construction of grassroots organizations and strive to create advanced grassroots party organizations.

Grasp the formation: All party member lawyers must be included in the unified leadership and management of the party organization. Transfer organizational relationships to mobile party members in a timely manner.

Pay attention to standards: Establish and improve various rules and regulations for party building work, and earnestly implement the five requirements of "three meetings and one lesson", democratic appraisal of party members, and collection of party dues. Adhere to the unity of principle and flexibility, and actively explore the activity policy of "using spare time, adopt flexible forms, carry out small activities, and ensure pragmatic content" in accordance with the nature of the work and practice characteristics of party member lawyers, and solve the contradiction between business income generation and party member education , To stimulate the enthusiasm of party member lawyers to participate in party member activities.

Grasp the mechanism: strengthen the construction of the lawyers’ party branch team, with the chairman of the partner meeting of our firm, Comrade Cui Guanjun, as the secretary of the party branch, to achieve the "one post and dual responsibilities" for party affairs and duties; adhere to the "dual training" and continuously increase the "training of party members" Become an excellent lawyer and train excellent lawyers into party members”; improve the mutual promotion and mutual protection of our business work and party building work, use party building work to lead the right direction of lawyers’ business, and use lawyer business work to ensure the normal development of party building work.

Through the construction of the party branch, we have stimulated the vitality and vitality of the party branch of our firm and the majority of party members and lawyers.

The second is to grasp integrity in practice and strive to be a pioneer in integrity service. Publicize the information of party members and lawyers to the masses, and consciously accept the supervision of the masses; give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of party members and lawyers, guide the lawyers around them to build their own merits based on their positions; establish and improve lawyers’ integrity files, and seriously investigate and deal with lawyers’ violations of professional ethics and practice discipline. Publicize lawyers' violations of regulations and disciplines within a certain range, create a good atmosphere of honest and standardized practice in the industry, and establish a good social image of lawyers.

The third is to focus on efficient service and strive to be a "service for the people pioneer". Actively focus on the work center of the party committee and government, do a good job in ensuring growth, protecting people's livelihood, and ensuring stability, earnestly do a good job in participating in politics, government legal advisors, litigation and visits, legal system publicity and education, and actively promote the election of the village’s “two committees” and the society To escort the construction of a new socialist countryside, vigorously carry out social welfare undertakings and legal aid work, and actively devote itself to the work of serving "transformation of methods and adjusting structure" and building "rule of law in Zibo" and striving to create an advanced city in the "Five-Five" law popularization. It has played a prominent role in promoting development and maintaining stability, winning the trust and support of the party, the government, and all sectors of society. Establish a service volunteer team and strive to provide efficient services.

Actively organize lawyers to participate in the construction of grassroots democracy and the rule of law, and vigorously carry out pairing assistance activities for lawyers' legal services. Our firm must at least form a legal service pair with 1-2 villages (residents) to conduct legal publicity, publicity, and provide legal consultation and legal services.

Fourth is to grasp scientific development and strive to be a "science pioneer". To unite and drive the majority of lawyers, continuously strengthen political and professional learning, vigorously develop the legal service business of key projects of high-tech, new, foreign and economic construction, and realize the transformation of service focus from the past litigation field to the main battlefield of economic construction, and the service mode has changed from traditional Decentralized operations of individual soldiers are transformed into professional and team-based services, and strive to create branded lawyers, branded law firms and branded legal service products, and expand the influence of our province inside and outside the province.

Seriously study and deeply understand the important instructions of Liu Huiyan and other leading comrades on the work of lawyers, and strengthen the work of striving for the brand. Actively explore advanced management models that are in line with Zibo’s reality and the characteristics of our institute, earnestly find shortcomings and deficiencies in standardized management, establish practical and feasible goals and scientific and reasonable development ideas, start from the basics and details, learn from advanced experience, and actively Cultivate famous lawyers, cultivate an elite team, strive to build branded legal service products, and promote our firm to step up, improve, and accelerate development.

Fourth, the method steps of the activity

This event was carried out in two stages around the two nodes of welcoming the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party and giving gifts to the 18th National Congress of the party. The first phase, from now to the end of June 2011, focuses on welcoming the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party. Party branches must earnestly perform their duties. Party members must strive for first-class performance based on their positions and set off a climax of creating first-class performance. The second phase is from July 2011 to 2012 when the 18th National Congress of the Party was held. It focused on welcoming the 18th National Congress of the Party. The Eighteenth National Congress of the People's Republic of China. Specific method steps:

(1) Mobilization and deployment (early July).

The party branch of our institute should organize and study the spirit of relevant documents, formulate specific implementation rules, clarify the activity carrier and strive for goals, and report to the higher party organization for review and organize the implementation. The implementation rules should be announced to the party members in an appropriate manner, and the party members should be absorbed in time. Reasonable suggestions. Through extensive publicity and mobilization at various levels, the majority of party members and lawyers have fully realized the importance of pioneering and striving to be pioneers in Zibo, clarifying the guiding ideology, objectives and tasks, activity carriers, method steps and measures requirements, and full of enthusiasm. Throw yourself into the event.

(2) Organization and implementation (July 2010-end of June 2011).

One is to study and discuss. It is necessary to earnestly study General Secretary Hu Jintao’s speech at the party’s in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept activity summary meeting, study the spirit of relevant documents of the Central Government, the Ministry of Justice, and the provincial and municipal committees, and study the Lawyers Law of the People’s Republic of China and related laws, regulations, and industry norms. . It is necessary to extensively carry out the "striving to be a pioneer in Zibo, what should I do?" The big discussion will focus on the central task of the party committee and government, the transformation of economic development and the structural adjustment, the regional economic development strategy, the maintenance of social fairness and justice, the protection and improvement of people's livelihood, and the promotion of " Three" key tasks, etc., to study and discuss ways and means to play the role of lawyers.

Innovate the carrier and expand the channels for learning and discussion. Organize and play the role of lawyers’ lecturers, and organize outstanding lawyers to give lectures in various units. Editing and publishing special events, and opening columns on our website, to timely exchange good experiences and good practices in developing pioneering activities, striving to be pioneers in Zibo, and give full play to the role of demonstration and guidance of typical figures. Organize some lawyers to inspect the developed areas of the legal profession to learn from advanced experience. Invite experts and scholars to give counseling reports to improve the management level of our lawyers. Organize and study various litigation business guidelines including death penalty defense formulated by the All-China Lawyers Association and the Provincial Lawyers Association, and strive to improve lawyers' professional capabilities by participating in business training courses and conducting online training. It is necessary to formulate a specific study plan based on the actual situation, organize and guide the in-depth study and discussion through various forms such as special counseling, holding seminars, and participating in training courses. It is necessary to carry out a "party spirit education" activity, give full play to the role of red education resources and various training bases, take the form of reviewing the party oath, reviewing party achievements, learning party history, and leading cadres to give party lessons, and generally conduct a party spirit education to improve The party spirit of lawyer party members. The party branch of our firm should play a dominant role, combine to promote the construction of a learning-oriented party organization, organize party members and lawyers to adopt a combination of concentrated learning and individual self-study, actively participate in learning, actively participate in discussions, and write seriously

Write study notes and experience to ensure that the study and discussion are solid and effective.

The second is a public commitment. The party branch of our firm must conscientiously formulate an implementation plan, and each party member's lawyer must put forward a specific plan to participate in the event, and adopt an appropriate method to announce it to the masses and make a promise. The content of the commitment should be connected with the follow-up work of the rectification and implementation of the activities of studying and practicing the scientific outlook on development. In the course of the activities, the progress will be disclosed in a timely manner, continuous improvement and improvement, and the situation will be reported to the public, and the supervision of the masses will be accepted.

Public commitments must be targeted and effective. The content of the commitment should be closely integrated with the construction and business work of our institute. The party branch of our firm should focus on the long-term development of the firm, and actively put forward reasonable suggestions in terms of development strategy, system construction, daily management, and business construction. Party member lawyers should take the lead in carrying out the "Bright Card Demonstration" activity, by wearing the party emblem, party member vanguard post, party member responsibility area, etc., to show the identity of party member lawyers and take the lead in practicing exemplary practice. Our party branch and party lawyers should take the lead, actively participate in the demonstration posts of party members and the construction of lawyers service groups for the "rule of law Zibo" and "rule of law districts and counties", and serve all the tasks of the construction of "rule of law Zibo" with full enthusiasm.

The third is to conduct a review. Actively carry out leadership comments and party members mass appraisal. Leader’s comment is that the Party Committee of the Lawyers Association and the person in charge of the legal management of the Municipal Judicial Bureau commented on our party branch and party members’ activities of pioneering and striving to be pioneers in Zibo, seeking truth from facts and affirming the achievements, pointing out the existing problems and the direction of efforts . Mass appraisal of party members means that the party committee of the Lawyers Association and the person in charge of the legal management of the Municipal Judicial Bureau comment on the party branch of our firm. For problems that are dissatisfied with the majority of the masses and the masses have a strong reaction, we must promptly rectify and correct them.

The party branch of our institute reports the development of activities and the performance of party members to the higher party organization every month. The Party Committee of the Municipal Lawyers Association and the Municipal Judicial Bureau shall comment on the activities carried out by the party branch of our firm every quarter, and comment on the activities of party member lawyers to create pioneers and strive to be pioneers in Zibo in a timely manner. The comments were also reported to the Municipal Judicial Bureau to create a pioneer and strive to be the leading group of Zibo Pioneer Activities. The party branch of our institute shall inform the party members and the masses of the leaders' comments and the content of the public promises, solicit the opinions and suggestions of the party members and the masses, find problems and deficiencies in time, and find the right direction for efforts. Every six months, the Party Committee of the Municipal Lawyers Association conducts activities on the party branch of our firm, and the party branch of our firm conducts the activities of pioneering and striving to be the pioneer in Zibo. The masses of party members must be organized to comment, and the results of the review will be made public within a certain range.

Four is to establish a model. It is necessary to promptly discover and summarize the vanguard party members that emerged during the activities, and actively recommend them to higher-level party organizations. The party branch of our institute must also strive to create a vanguard party branch.

(3) Consolidate and improve (July 2011-before the party's 18th National Congress).

One is to hold an experience exchange meeting for pioneering and striving to be a pioneer in Zibo to deepen the effect of the event. The second is to organize a "Party Member Lawyers Comparing Dedication" activity to promote the development of lawyers' work, and to deepen the activities of creating pioneers and striving to be pioneers in Zibo. The third is to hold a display of results. Comprehensively review the activities of creating pioneers and striving to be pioneers in Zibo, sum up experience, consolidate results, and welcome the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

(4) Summary and commendations (before and after "July 1st" in 2012).

Focusing on presenting gifts to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there are four main tasks: The first is assessment and appraisal. We formulate specific assessment methods for our party branch and party member lawyers' activities of pioneering and striving to be the pioneer in Zibo, and do a good job of assessment and evaluation in a practical way to ensure that the results are objective, correct and fair. The second is to make a good summary. Summarize the activities of creating pioneers and striving to be the pioneer in Zibo, deeply sum up experience, in-depth search for deficiencies, and further study rectification and implementation measures. The third is to improve the mechanism. The successful practices and experiences created in the activities are fixed in the form of systems to form a long-term mechanism to promote work. The fourth is to commend first. Concentrate on commending the vanguard Communist Party members who emerged during the event. The commendation highlights public participation, pays attention to work performance and social recognition. Before the "July 1st" in 2011, the municipal party committee will name a group of Zibo Pioneer grassroots party organizations and Zibo Pioneer Communist Party members. The Municipal Bureau, the Municipal Lawyers Association, and the district and county judicial bureaus will also commend the advanced grassroots party organizations and outstanding Communist Party members that have emerged in the pioneering competition in accordance with the unified deployment of the municipal party committee. Our party branch will strive to create an advanced party branch.

5. Strengthen the organization and leadership to ensure the effectiveness of the activities

(1) Implement leadership responsibilities. It is necessary to carry out the activities of creating pioneers and striving to be pioneers in Zibo as an important political task at present and for a period of time in the future, and make great efforts to grasp it and achieve results. To further implement leadership responsibilities, the top leaders of our institute must personally grasp and divide

Leaders rely on the best, work together to do a good job together. It is necessary to effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of activities, select elite soldiers and strong generals to form a leading group office, clarify the division of labor, implement responsibilities, and strengthen the organization and leadership of activities carried out by the party branch of our institute. The secretary of the party branch of our firm is the first person responsible for the activities of the party branch. He is specifically responsible for the organization and implementation of the activities of the party branch. He must take the responsibility to ensure that various measures are implemented and the activities achieve practical results. Attention should be paid to seeking the support of non-party directors and partners of law firms, uniting and motivating other lawyers to join in the pioneering competition to promote the development of our firm.

(2) Strengthen supervision and inspection. The party branch of our institute shall compile and print a special issue on the activities of creating first-class excellence, and by compiling and distributing information, holding symposiums, establishing working contact points, regular inspections, random inspections, etc., to understand the progress of the activities, report the activities, summarize and exchange experience, and research Solve problems and ensure that all tasks are in place and effective. Party organizations at all levels must establish work schedules to dynamically supervise the content of activities and work progress, prevent and overcome motions, and ensure that this activity achieves practical results.

(3) Do a good job of combining articles. Combine the activities of pioneering and striving to be the pioneer in Zibo with the in-depth promotion of the "Thematic Education and Practice Activities of Socialist Legal Workers with Chinese Characteristics", and strive to practice socialist legal workers with Chinese characteristics and further promote the "three" key points Create the first and strive for excellence in the work; combine with the "National Lawyer Team Warning Education" to create the first and strive for excellence in adhering to the law, honesty, and conscientious practice; closely integrate with the ongoing construction of the "rule of law in Zibo" to give full play to the advantages of lawyers , Serving scientific development, promoting social harmony, and promoting the in-depth development of the rule of law; combined with "strengthening the party building and self-building of law firms, and improving the level of service scientific development", it will effectively play the role of a fighting fortress of the law firm’s party branch. In the pioneering role of lawyers and party members, they strive to be pioneers and pioneers in Zibo.

(4) Strengthen public opinion propaganda. Attention should be paid to discovering and propagating the advanced models that emerged in Zibo's pioneer activities, summarizing and promoting good practices and experiences, giving full play to the demonstration and leading role of advanced models, and forming the correct work orientation. It is necessary to make full use of various media to vigorously publicize the advanced deeds of advanced grassroots party organizations and outstanding party members in the lawyer industry, enhance the pertinence, vividness and effectiveness of the publicity, and guide law firms and lawyers to use advanced models as examples to create the first and strive for excellence , To form a good atmosphere of learning, advocating and striving to be advanced in the whole industry.

(5) Encourage exploration and innovation. Coordinate and arrange the work of all stages and links of the pioneering and competitive activities, put reform and innovation throughout, and respect the pioneering spirit of party members. It is necessary to take the development of pioneering and striving for excellence activities as a favorable opportunity to promote the current work, encourage party members and the masses to improve service levels, innovate activities, and use the actual results of the work to test the effectiveness of activities.

Shandong Dadiren Law Firm

July 30, 2010

Immigration Tips

1. The difference between green card and nationality. Obtaining the nationality of a certain country is equivalent to becoming a citizen of a certain country and obtaining the same rights and obligations as citizens of that country. The green card is equivalent to maintaining Chinese nationality and having the right of permanent residence in a certain country. It is a document that allows permanent and legal residence. The only difference between a country’s green card and nationality is that the green card does not have the right to vote and stand for election in this country, and the rest of the rights are the same. Therefore, most Chinese entrepreneurs who emigrate choose only to obtain a green card, because China does not recognize dual citizenship. If you only obtain a green card from this country, you will retain your Chinese nationality and you can live in and leave the country freely. However, if you join the nationality of this country, it is equivalent to giving up your Chinese nationality, and you must go to the Chinese embassy in that country for a visa every time you return to your country. 2. Why emigrate? Generally speaking, the external incentives for immigration: better investment environment, more business opportunities, high incomes abroad, better climate and environment, better medical care, better free education, Political stability, social stability, and high social welfare. Domestic impetus for immigration: political risks (naked officials, entrepreneurs’ criminal liability risks), environmental pollution risks (air, water, food safety, life expectancy, high mortality, increased terminal illnesses), social security, war risks, high living cost. High added value of immigrants: choose a safer, happier and more convenient life. Worry-free life brought about by high welfare. Choose a higher quality and free education for the children. Found new investment opportunities. Escaped domestic political and legal risks. It is convenient to go abroad. The continuous appreciation of the renminbi brings the best opportunity for overseas investment.
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Canadian Investment Immigration, Federal Projects Closed

Time of issue: : 2014-02--17
Recently, a piece of news about Canadian immigration has stirred up waves in the immigration market. The Canadian government will end the 28-year-old investment immigration project, shattering the immigration dream of 50,000 Chinese. Is the hope of investing in Canadian immigration really dashed? Is there any other way to immigrate to Canada? The reporter visited Mr. Cui Guanjun, the director of the first law firm in Zibo City that provides foreign-related legal services and immigration services on current hot issues. , He pointed out: The one-size-fits-all Canadian investment immigration program refers to the Canadian federal investment immigration program. There are many types of Canadian immigration. In terms of investment immigration, in addition to federal investment projects, Canadian provinces also have their own investment immigration projects. At present, the projects nominated by these provinces have not been affected, and the immigration quotas of some provinces have increased, even Record breaking, such as the Saskatchewan nomination program. Due to the closure of the Federal Investment Immigration Program, these immigrant applicants will quickly transfer a large number of them to the provincial nomination programs in search of more secure immigration investment projects. Take the corporate investment immigration project nominated by Saskatchewan as an example. After the 2013 Saskatchewan corporate immigration application was opened, less than 2 weeks, the application quota was emptied. Among them, Chinese applicants account for about 80%, and the application status is extremely hot! Regarding the difference between the Canadian federal investment immigration and the investment immigration nominated by each province, Director Cui Guanjun replied: Under normal circumstances, the investment immigration threshold nominated by each province will be lower than the federal investment immigration threshold, or more conditions. Loose. For example, the aforementioned entrepreneur investment immigration project nominated by Saskatchewan has the advantages of low asset requirements, low investment amount, and no language requirements. Applicants only need to prove assets of 300,000 Canadian dollars, and invest 150,000 Canadian dollars to establish or acquire a business, and then the whole family can immigrate and share the quality of life in Canada with their families. Another example is the BC Business Immigration Program where Vancouver is located. From the current point of view, after the application is approved, the whole family can land in Canada (enjoy the status of permanent residence). After landing, a minimum investment of 200,000 Canadian dollars is required to purchase or create one For business, you can apply for permanent residency status after one year of normal business operation. The feature of this project is that there is no language requirement and no requirement to submit a deposit, and the whole family can land in Canada in about 9 months at the earliest. This is a rare opportunity for people who do not have English skills and are eager to go to Canada. In addition, as the first law firm in Zibo City that provides immigration services by professional lawyers and has established cooperative relationships with many professional immigration lawyers in the United States, Canada and other countries, the reporter asked Director Cui Guanjun to discuss the next step of Canadian investment To make a prediction on immigration policies and trends, he pointed out: First of all, in the future, Canada may hope not to simply introduce funds, but to introduce high-quality corporate talents who can continue to generate income to promote the development of the domestic economy. Secondly, with the closure of Canadian federal investment immigration, immigration projects nominated by various provinces in 2014 will be quickly sought after. In the face of a large number of immigration applicants, it is a foregone conclusion. Third, the immigration projects nominated by each province have their own advantages. Applicants can only seize the quota if they are fully prepared in advance according to their actual conditions. Shandong Dadiren Law Firm, Foreign Business Department Lawyer Cui: 13905330148 Sun lawyer: 13953357713  
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Shandong Dadiren Law Firm formulated and promulgated the "Working Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases of Underworld Forces"

Time of issue: : 2018-08--20
In order to implement the All-China Lawyers Association’s "Several Opinions on Lawyers’ Handling of Criminal Cases by Underworld Forces" and the relevant regulations of provincial and municipal judicial administrative agencies and the Lawyers Association, to ensure that lawyers can handle criminal cases related to underworld forces in accordance with the law. Lawyers’ rights to practice, regulate the practice of lawyers in handling criminal cases involving criminal forces, and improve their ability to handle criminal cases related to criminal forces. After the research and decision of the partners meeting of Shandong Dadiren Law Firm, on August 20, 2018, the establishment of the Shandong Dadiren Law Firm's Office for the Supervision of Criminal Cases of Underworld Forces was established, and the "Shandong Dadiren Law Firm's Handling of Underworld Crimes" was promulgated. Case Work Rules Shandong Dadiren Law Firm Working Regulations for Handling Criminal Cases of the Underworld Forces Article 1 In order to improve the lawyer’s ability to handle criminal cases related to criminal forces, protect the lawyer’s practice rights, and regulate the practice of criminal cases involving criminal forces of the "Several Opinions on Defense Agency Work in Power Crime Cases" and relevant regulations of provincial and municipal judicial administrative organs and the Lawyers Association, combined with the actual situation of the firm, formulate these regulations. Article 2 The Supervision Office for the Handling of Criminal Cases of the Underworld Forces (hereinafter referred to as the "Supervision Office") shall exercise its powers in accordance with these regulations, and the Supervision Office shall accept the leadership and supervision of the Institute and the Cooperative Conference. Article 3 The Supervision Office of the firm conducts a full follow-up inspection of the lawyers' handling of criminal defense and agency work in criminal cases, strengthens case handling quality supervision and risk management, and guides the resolution of legal problems encountered in the process of handling cases, and finds that lawyers have violated laws and regulations in handling cases It must be stopped and corrected in time. The office should strengthen the management of official seals, and strictly follow the process of "approval first, seal later" to manage the materials of criminal cases involving gangsters, to prevent private collection of charges from occurring. Supervise and supervise the undertaking lawyers to strengthen the file management of criminal cases by the underworld forces to prevent the occurrence of leaks and improper transmission. Article 4 The supervision office of the firm has one director, one deputy director, and several members of the working group, responsible for the daily work of the office, including case filing, supervision, docking with judicial administrative departments and lawyers associations, and exchanging case handling experience with other law firms , Organizing lawyers throughout the firm to conduct relevant business training and case discussions on a regular or irregular basis. If members of the supervision team handle gang-related cases themselves, they shall not participate in the supervision of their own cases as staff members of the supervision office. Article 5 The Supervision Office shall make full use of various channels such as our WeChat groups and training sessions to publicize the correct practice, experience and effectiveness of lawyers in handling criminal cases involving underworld forces. Article 6 The Supervision Office of the Stock Exchange specifically performs the following duties: 1. Conduct pre-examination of the lawyers' handling of gang-related cases, examine the client, the basic situation of the case, etc., and report the review to the director of the supervision office, and the director of the supervision office will decide whether to accept the entrustment; 2. To file a case involving gangs that agree to accept entrustment, the lawyer handling the case shall take the initiative to perform the filing procedures; 3. Train our lawyers on the handling of gang-related cases, practice norms, practice risks, etc.; 4. Supervise the practice behaviors of our lawyers in handling gang-related cases; 5. Provide risk reminders to our lawyers in handling gang-related cases; 6. Maintain the practice rights and interests of our lawyers in handling gang-related cases; 7. Impose penalties for violations of our lawyers in handling gang-related cases; 8. Organize the lawyers of the firm to summarize and communicate with the cases involving gangs handled; 9. Connect with lawyers’ associations and judicial organs, and file the handling of criminal cases in accordance with relevant regulations; Article 7 The lawyers of our firm who act as defenders or litigation agents in criminal cases involving underworld forces must abide by the firm’s systems of uniformly accepting
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A delegation from the Legal Work Department of the ACFTU visited the Huantai branch for investigation

Time of issue: : 2018-09--28
On September 26, the Legal Work Department of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions came to Shandong Dadiren (Huantai) Law Firm to investigate the development of legal services for employees’ rights protection. Liu Shuai, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, Zhou Huanbao, Chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, and the County Judicial Bureau Director Pang Yueming accompanied the investigation. The research team listened to the experience and practices of Huantai County in legal services for employees' rights protection in the county conference center. Fu Sigang, director of Shandong Dadiren (Huantai) Law Firm, provided legal services to law firms and county employees in rights protection The main work of the center in recent years was reported. Then the research team went to Huantai Institute for on-site inspection. The research team unanimously believes that Huantai County will focus on doing a good job in the rights protection of employees in the new era, in-depth development of legal services for rights protection, relying on Shandong Dadiren (Huantai) Law Firm to build an employee rights protection platform, and explore a "guarantee" and "maintenance". "The integrated service system for employees' rights protection combined, and the work of employees' rights protection services has achieved remarkable results. The Huantai County Federation of Trade Unions, relying on Shandong Dadiren (Huantai) Law Firm, established the Huantai County Employees' Rights Protection Legal Service Center in July 2012. Since the establishment of the center, the Huantai Institute has closely followed the requirements of the county party committee and county government to carry out legal services for employees' rights protection. The Huantai Office set up office space, opened a service hotline, and built a green channel for the employee rights protection center, taking multiple measures simultaneously to comprehensively improve the effectiveness of employee legal services. Various activities such as "on-site consultation", law popularization, radio interpretation, etc. have been carried out, combined with the overall situation of our county's law popularization work, in-depth publicity and explanation of various labor protection legal knowledge in agencies, enterprises, schools, communities, etc., have played a good role in the society. effect. Since its establishment more than 6 years ago, it has handled more than 220 labor arbitration and litigation cases, received more than 1,500 employee legal consultations, carried out more than 60 employee rights protection law publicity, and recovered more than 10 million economic losses for employees, reducing and exempting rights protection Staff lawyers cost more than 700,000 yuan, which has formed a good brand effect throughout the county. Huantai Office has been commended as an "advanced collective of judicial administration system" by Zibo Judicial Bureau, and as a "Demonstration Unit of Legal Services for Workers' Rights Protection by Zibo Trade Union" by Zibo Federation of Trade Unions. He was commended as "Outstanding Women's Rights Protection Post" by Zibo Women's Federation, and was awarded the title of "City Youth Civilization" by the Communist Youth League Committee. Many lawyers have been awarded the honorary titles of outstanding lawyers in the provinces and cities, outstanding lawyers in protecting the rights and interests of employees in Zibo, and advanced individuals in the work of helping the disabled in Zibo.  
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Dadi Renhuantai branch organized "2018 Unity and Cooperation" outreach training activities

Time of issue: : 2018-10--15
On October 13th and 14th, 2018, Shandong Dadiren (Huantai) Law Firm organized all lawyers and administrative staff to the Yuanshan Hard Struggle Memorial Hall to conduct an outreach training event with the theme of "2018 Unity and Cooperation".     On the morning of the 13th, all the staff arrived at the training site, put down their luggage, and formed a team under the guidance of the coach. Each team completed the design of the team name, team flag, and slogan within 25 minutes, and sang the team song. Position, interest, identity and social role communication and communication environment, open up, understand each other in a short time, and integrate into the team, and at the same time prepare the team members to participate in the training psychologically, gain more experience, create a family atmosphere, and form A warm team atmosphere and a winning team belief.       The first activity is "Fetching water from the dragons". Within the specified time, all the team members use tools to take out the water in the specified area. The goal is to train the execution and appeal of trainees; sense of teamwork and cooperation and cooperation; experience the importance of early-stage resource confirmation and reasonable allocation of the project; correct communication and team appreciation, emphasizing the importance of details; personnel division of labor, cooperation and coordination; The physical contact between the team members increases the sense of trust and cohesion; dare to practice and break through empiricism; and an attitude of honesty and integrity. After 30 minutes of running-in, both teams completed the task of fetching water. In addition, the "Rapid 60 Seconds" activity was carried out, requiring each team of students to find the numbers from one to thirty within sixty seconds, and the thirty is a number hidden in each puzzle. The goal is to exercise the analytical skills of the team members, enhance communication and assistance between teams, and enhance the team's sense of time urgency.   On the afternoon of the 13th, all the team members visited the Yuanshan Hard Work Entrepreneurship Hall. Next is the "Santa Game", which requires the entire team to cooperate to move the Santa from its initial position to any other position. The goal is to increase communication among students and improve their communication skills; improve personal resilience in difficult environments; let students better understand the importance of communication in teamwork; master the main points of communication and how to communicate in different environments. On the morning of the 14th, all the trainers visited the Ruyue Lake Wetland Park. On the afternoon of the 14th, the two teams worked together to complete the "150-second speed challenge". The two teams completed the training activity with a good result of 137 seconds under the cooperation and cooperation.  
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