1. The difference between green card and nationality. Obtaining the nationality of a certain country is equivalent to becoming a citizen of a certain country and obtaining the same rights and obligations as citizens of that country. The green card is equivalent to maintaining Chinese nationality and having the right of permanent residence in a certain country. It is a document that allows permanent and legal residence. The only difference between a country’s green card and nationality is that the green card does not have the right to vote and stand for election in this country, and the rest of the rights are the same. Therefore, most Chinese entrepreneurs who emigrate choose only to obtain a green card, because China does not recognize dual citizenship. If you only obtain a green card from this country, you will retain your Chinese nationality and you can live in and leave the country freely. However, if you join the nationality of this country, it is equivalent to giving up your Chinese nationality, and you must go to the Chinese embassy in that country for a visa every time you return to your country.
2. Why emigrate? Generally speaking, the external incentives for immigration: better investment environment, more business opportunities, high incomes abroad, better climate and environment, better medical care, better free education, Political stability, social stability, and high social welfare. Domestic impetus for immigration: political risks (naked officials, entrepreneurs’ criminal liability risks), environmental pollution risks (air, water, food safety, life expectancy, high mortality, increased terminal illnesses), social security, war risks, high living cost. High added value of immigrants: choose a safer, happier and more convenient life. Worry-free life brought about by high welfare. Choose a higher quality and free education for the children. Found new investment opportunities. Escaped domestic political and legal risks. It is convenient to go abroad. The continuous appreciation of the renminbi brings the best opportunity for overseas investment.